Silent Talk


Performance with deaf language

„Silent Talk“ is about the communication, understanding, misunderstanding and the moment.

Two deaf performer standing on pedestals, dressed in black. The are starting a conversation in sign language about visitors as soon as they enter the room. Meanwhile all the mimik and hand gesture is recorded by the cameras and send to the monitors in the second room. The translators in the second room are dressed black and standing on pedestals like a mirrored situation from room one. They are observing the monitors and translating the conversation from deaf performer in room one.

The room one is full of conversation but silent, room two has a verbal conversation but only the translation from room one so that the visitor only can be late to get an information about what the deaf performer could have talked about him or her.

further information on request



在观者的沉浸和醒悟中,第二个场景呈现了一个关于“现在”的时间体验。在本雅明看来,现在最为重要,“现在不是某种过渡,现在意味着时间的停顿与静止” 。“现在”在本雅明的定义中是把一个看做透入了弥赛亚式时间的碎片的“当下时间”的概念。在其看来,历史事件的意义不在于探解未来而在于与当下联系,以现在为立足点的对过去的理解给我们弥赛亚式的力量。


Lico Fang

room 1 (deaf performer talking about visitors) / room 2 (deaf language translator translating the conversation from room 1

screenshots from the live stream, which was recorded in room 1

"More conception - Konzeption now " at Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen (2015)